Im Januar 2024 lassen die Mitglieder des RCBI das Jahr mit einer spannenden Führung der Brauerei Fischerstube in Basel mit viel köstlichem einklingen Im Januar 2024 lassen die Mitglieder des RCBI das Jahr mit einer spannenden Führung der Brauerei Fischerstube in Basel mit viel köstlichem einklingen
On a sunny midsummer evening we met at the Rhine for our tradition "Rheinschwimmen". This year the Basel Tattoo was entertaining us well with thousands of other spectators On a sunny midsummer evening we met at the Rhine for our tradition "Rheinschwimmen". This year the Basel Tattoo was entertaining us well with thousands of other spectators
On September 19th we were thrilled to host District Governor Alex Schär from RC Muttenz Wartenberg. This delightful evening was a memorable gathering with plenty time for content and chat. On September 19th we were thrilled to host District Governor Alex Schär from RC Muttenz Wartenberg. This delightful evening was a memorable gathering with plenty time for content and chat.
On a cold winter day in January, RCBI organized a successful fundraising event at Di...
Rotary Club Basel International represents a diverse group of international and local people from all walks of life who want to make a difference in our communities both in Switzerland and abroad. Our club has been founded as an eClub to allow the technologies of today and tomorrow to enable us to best deliver our goals whilst allowing busy lives to balance their many demands.
In mehreren Schweizer Regionen (Tessin, Graubünden und Wallis) haben Überschwemmungen schwere Verwüstungen hinterlas...